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Get out of the Gym – Take it Outside

Are you bored with the cardio machines at the gym? Have you had enough of walking or pedaling nowhere and for what seems like hours?

Taking your cardio workout outdoors may be the solution re-motivate and challenge yourself to the next level of conditioning. There are limitless possibilities for cardio workoutsoutdoors. It makes each workout an adventure, a chance to check out nature, and an opportunity to rejuvenate your spirit.

Exercising outside will provide you a stimulating escape from loud music, artificial lighting, and flashing televisions.

Over the next week I’m going to provide some ideas to rejuvenate your workout by taking it outside and taking advantage of the weather. Make sure you warm-up and stretch before you begin your workout, and remember to cool-down and stretch when you are finished!

Walking & Running:

The most pure form of outdoor exercise is simple – walk…

There are many trails and side walks and I bet your dog is in need of a walk and would enjoy a workout with his owner! You can walk at the pace you are comfortable at. If you have kids you can take them with you instead of paying for childcare while you are at the gym. Walking outside instead of on the treadmill is the first and easiest way to change up your cardio training routines.

Create 4 or 5 walking routes that you use and time yourself over them. If you want to work harder carry a small backpack with a little weight in it. Use you imagination to make it interesting. Maybe some of the routes are hilly, some are on the beach or on a mountain trail. It’s all up to you.

Another option to enjoy the weather is to run outside! Not everyone can run for a long distances but try to slowly incorporate a little running into your walk. One day run between two points, a couple days later increase the distance slightly. Running regularly can help weightloss, fight aging, and promote better health. In fact, running burns more calories per minute than any other form of exercise!

The next post I’m going to provide more detailed ideas about the types of running sessions you can do as you get fitter and in better shape. These include hill running and interval training, the types of training that really amp up your metabolism and b=get you into shape. These are training sessions that are similar in scope to the interval training done by Craig Ballantyne – Men’s Health Magazine contributor and Turbulence Training founder.

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